Wincenty Dunikowski-Duniko

since 1980


Wincenty Dunikowski-Duniko, Człowiek z flagą, 1984

Wincenty Dunikowski-Duniko, Człowiek z flagą, 1984

The artist displayed an interest in the colours of national flags early on (The Scraping of Screens, 1973), and subsequently made references to the form of a banner (Ready for Use, 1980).

Later, the flag motif was featured repeatedly, both in objects and in works on paper. Traces of succinct gestures, utilising a narrowed, aggressive palette, are literal anecdotes. A clenched fist with a waving flag (Man with a Flag, 1984) and two triangular pennants pointing at each other (Two Flags, 1982) share an atmosphere of confrontation.

Standing apart in the series are large-scale works made from painted, cut, and torn paper. Enclosed in glass cases (e.g. Flag, 1983), they seem to be taken out of their natural context and bereft of their inherent purpose; petrified in the artistic enclave, they’re standing by.

Written by Krzysztof Siatka

My best picture is a day

My best graphic is a night

My best sculpture is my wife

Duniko 73